FaceTime is a very known and cool app for video or audio calling and text messaging instantaneously. The app was designed for the iOS platform and is looking for a comeback with the Android platform. We will tell you about that in a minute as you keep reading this article.
If you are an Android user and wish to know the truth behind the FaceTime for Android App, then this article you do not want to miss.
FaceTime for Android Download
We will not waste any time and get to your answer in this very first section of our article. The question that many Android users ask is whether the FaceTime app is available for Android platform or not?! Well, the answer here is No. Unfortunately, Android users cannot have the FaceTime App for their devices as of yet.
The reason behind this answer is that the FaceTime App is truly an Apple product. The app’s configuration is set for the iOS devices only and hence it is not able to be used for Android devices. Furthermore, the app is only available in the iTunes App Store for iOS users and not in the Google Play Store for Android users.
There may be many websites claiming that they provide the FaceTime APK for Android devices. But this is a scam. The files that people download is corrupt, not working or a malware. Such downloads can be dangerous to your device system so please be aware of it.
We strongly urge readers to be caution and stay away from such false claims. Until the developers don’t come up with the FaceTime APK for Android devices, we request you to use the alternatives available in the market.
There are several alternatives in the market that Android users can rely on.
Features of FaceTime for Android
Although the app is not compatible with the Android devices, for now, the developers are working on the FaceTime for Android. The app has amazing features that will also be available in the Android APK plus, they will incorporate several new features too.
In our article, we will disclose some of the key features that will be on this app for the Android users. Here is a list of the features of the FaceTime for Android app;
- FaceTime will be the simplest and easiest app to navigate through for video calling, audio calling and text messaging or chatting.
- The visual interaction is almost as the user is at two places at the same time. Imagine this on your Android Smartphones.
- It can integrate with both the cameras of the device, be it the primary or secondary camera for video calling.
- Also, it allows users to make calls free of charge.
- The app has extravagant features with superb visual quality. Although this would also depend somehow on your device’s screen resolution, but the app will deliver its best.
- When one user is video calling the other, he/she can see herself on the screen too as a small PiP image. This is given for the users to adjust themselves in front of the camera (device). The PiP image displays what the other person can see on his mobile screen while engaging in the video call.
- The user can mute the audio while the video call is on line. There is an option to mute the video so that any disruption during a call can subdue.
So, these were some of the features of the upcoming FaceTime for Android devices. As we said above, the app is still not out for the Android devices. So please be careful to not download any APK files with such claims. We will update our article as soon as the Android app for FaceTime is announced.
In conclusion to this article on FaceTime for Android Download, we would like to thank our readers for completing this article. We shall be back with more updates soon. If there is any query then write to us at FaceTime App. Thank you.